Thinking further about the physicalisation of the weather data… we have started to animate the icons to see how we could best represent the data. Please see below for some early thinking on the idea of sun rising and then setting.
The combination of rain and sun (below) allows us to play with different weather scenarios.
After some experimentation, we decided to leave one side blank on each toblerone as this gives us more scope to move between night and day and also between sunny, rainy and windy days. See some of the different combination that can be achieved in the storyboard below:

Also, an interesting discovery… the rotation of the toblerones (below) gives a convincing illusion of the weather behaviour (i.e. rain drops falling).
After some discussion we thought it might be more intuitive to also have the solar panels, water tank and wind turbine on the lighthouse frame too. We have started to explore a more matrix style scenario.